Learn the proven banishing worry course

Do you worry?

Discover a Worry-Free life in just 45 minutes!

How much do you worry about things around you every day?
You may have never noticed it…
But you do feel stressed over the most minor things possible…
The real question is not how much you think…
The actual problem is: Why do you WORRY?
Worrying is a learned behaviour passed down through generations—an unwanted gift.
But what if you could banish all your worries in just 45 minutes?
Not the underlying issues, but the harmful act of worrying itself…
Imagine the relief it could bring to your mental health, physical well-being, and relationships…
Only in three-quarters of an hour!

What a life changer this is

What a life changer this is, in such simple and easy to follow steps, it makes total sense, the great gift of banishing worry is priceless as so many of us, myself included (until now) waste so much time and energy on worrying about things we have no control over, I feel liberated and free and I know so many people are going to benefit from this. The greatest investment is an investment in yourself and this is worth every penny. Thank you No Worries Ninja, you have worked your magic!

Clare Jackson

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Who am I?

Hi, My name is Alastair Slade.
I was enjoying dancing, dating and freedom when life hit me with a challenge. Just six weeks into my coaching business, I had a devastating stroke when I thought I couldn’t be more fit…
Paralysed but constantly trying to get better, I spent three and a half years in a rehabilitation process.
And that gave me the strength to start life afresh…
And I decided to start doing something that would make a real difference in the world.
So, I developed a banish worry course using the life experiences and knowledge I gained as a Tony Robbins/Cloé Madanes Life Coach.
It’s a life-changing 45-minute programme for anyone who chooses to live a better and worry-free life.
It’s a perfect roadmap to change your life for the better and have a positive impact on the things and people around you.
It’s time to engage with my simple eight- step programme and have as big a positive effect on our world as I can.

Introducing the Banishing Worry Training Course!

Drawing wisdom from years of Saltori Thinking principles and the expertise gained as a Robbins  Madanes life

I’ve created a transformative course that promises to rid you of worry…

Now, it’s time to share these life-changing principles with the world, and we want
you to be a part of this journey…

Here is what you’ll learn from this course…

  • Rapid and lasting relief from worry in just 45 minutes.
  • Structured path to a worry-free life.
  • Farewell to worry-induced mental and physical stress.
    ● Freedom from worry’s negative impacts on relationships.
    ● Better, healthier and happier connections around you.
    ● Tools to banish worries as they emerge, ensuring a worry-free life moving forward.

This is very helpful

This is very helpful and great way to learn how to manage and deal with worries and stress, Very happy with the website

Shaneece Banton

Watch an example from the course

Ready to embrace a life free of worry?

Here’s what you need to do…


Find a peaceful nook, grab a pen and paper—your adventure begins here.


Take the plunge—take the first 6 steps for free and then upgrade to complete


Conquer the course in 45 minutes, and hit the finish button to log your time.


Please don’t do it in front of the telly or with mobile devices at hand, or it won’t work effectively.


Once you register click the Start button and follow the


About 45 minutes later, please press the finish button once you are finished. This is important as I need to know how long you have spent on the process as part of my course development. It is one of the conditions of being entered into the prize draw.


Share your insights and confirm your entry into the competition.


Spread the joy—share this incredible opportunity with friends and family who could benefit too.

Join now and secure your spot

It is natural that you may have doubts, so I’m offering a special deal to help you take the first step towards a worry-free life:

The first 6 steps are FREE to give you a taster.

Gain one-time access and immerse yourself for 45 minutes. No distractions

Share your feedback —your thoughts matter, the good and the bad, as long as it’s constructive.
Stand a chance to win big —enter our prize draw, and you could walk away with £1,000! Plus, the best feedback wins an additional £500.

Let’s set you on a path to a worry-free life — ready to start banishing those worries and seizing the happiness that awaits you.

Start enjoying your worry-free life, remembering to repeat the process should new worries begin to emerge.

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